Area Committee Meeting (ACM) Motions

Motions are customarily presented to the Area Chair by a DCMC. Most motions come from a District conscience and do not need to be seconded; if a motion comes from an individual then the motion does need to be seconded by a voting member.

The voting members for Area Business Meetings are DCMCs or their alternates, DCMs or their alternates & Area Officers.

Area Committee Meeting Motions

Housekeeping Motions
  • None at this time
Presentation of New Business
  • None at this time
New Business
  • That California Northern Coastal Area (CNCA) 06 reimburse the Area Bridging the Gap Committee’s Conference Coordinator for roundtrip travel to the four Area Assemblies each year. – Presented by the CNCA Bridging the Gap Committee
  • That California Northern Coastal Area (CNCA) 06 adopt the General Service App as a communication tool, at no cost to the Area. – Presented by District 06 San Francisco
Old Business
  • None at this time
Finished Business
  • That CNCA provide funding for one member of the Archives Committee to attend the Annual National AA Archives Workshop to be held September 7 through the 10th in Sudbury, Ontario Canada at a cost not to exceed $1600. – Presented by the CNCA Archives Committee. There were no objections and the motion passed.
  • That CNCA provide funding for one member of the Bridging the Gap team to attend the Annual Bridging the Gap Workshop Weekend to be held September 8 through the 10th in Houston, Texas at a cost not to exceed $1500. – Presented by the CNCA Bridging the Gap Committee. There were no objections and the motion passed.
  • That CNCA provides funding for one member of the Web Committee to attend the Annual National A.A. Technology Workshop to be held September 8th through the 10th in Winchester, Virginia at a cost not to exceed $1200. – Presented by the CNCA Web Committee. There were no objections and the motion passed.
  • That CNCA write a letter of support to the La Viña Anniversary Host Committee. There were no objections and the motion passed.
  • That CNCA reimburse Monty C, Delegate for Area 08 (San Diego and Imperial County), for his travel expenses to facilitate the 2023 CNCA Inventory Assembly at a cost not to exceed $750. – Presented by Eric L, Delegate. There were no objections and motion passed.
  • That CNCA provide funding for the CNCA Bridging the Gap Forum to be held on September 30, 2023 at the Senior Center 3245 Bowers Ave, Clearlake, CA at an amount not to exceed $1500. – Presented by John O, CNCA Bridging the Gap Chair. There were no objections and motion passed.
  • That CNCA provide funding to subscribe to an email service provider for the Comments/Comentarios newsletter at a cost not to exceed $400 per year. – Presented by the CNCA Ad Hoc Newsletter Committee. There were no objections and motion passed.
  • That CNCA provide funding to print Opt-In postcards for the Comments/Comentarios newsletter at a cost not to exceed $200. – Presented by the CNCA Ad Hoc Newsletter Committee. There were no objections and motion passed.
  • That CNCA 06 purchase 120 digital radios at a cost not to exceed $2800. – Presented by the CNCA Interpretation and Translation Committee. The motion passed by substantial unanimity 36 in favor 3 against and 2 abstentions
  • That CNCA reimburse up to $600 for liaison travel to attend this year’s Annual Hispanic Women’s Workshop, to be held in Los Angeles.
    – Presented by Maricruz R, Hispanic Women’s Workshop liaison
    There were no objections or questions. Housekeeping motion passed on 8/26/23
  • That CNCA provide funding of $865.65 to this year’s Annual Hispanic Women’s Workshop, the cost asked of each Area to put on this year’s workshop.
    – Presented by Maricruz R, Hispanic Women’s Workshop liaison
    Presentation: Maricruz shared that the budget for the HWW is $7,000 and is divided among the areas. This is our area’s contribution.
    Q: What areas are contributing?
    A: 06, 05, 08, 09, 92, and 07.
    There were no objections. Housekeeping motion passed on 8/26/23
  • That CNCA fund interpretation expenses for a Finance Workshop currently planned for October 8th in an amount not to exceed $225.
    – Presented by David N, Chair of the CNCA Finance Committee
    Q: What are the topics? Who is the workshop geared toward? Is it open to everyone?
    A: Topics aren’t set yet. It’s geared toward districts, individuals, and groups and is open to anyone.
    Q: How long is the workshop?
    A: Two and a half hours with time for questions and answers.
    There were no objections. Housekeeping motion passed on 8/26/23
  • That CNCA provide funding of $225 for three hours of simultaneous interpretation at the PI/CPC hybrid workshop to be held in September.
    – Presented by Miguel H, Chair of the CNCA Public Information and Cooperation with the Professionals Committee
    Presentation: The event is hybrid and on September 16th. Some topics are basics on what PI is, what CPC is, speaking at non-A.A. meetings, and we’ll provide real examples of how to present to the public. There will also be food.
    There were no questions or objections. Housekeeping motion passed.8/26/23
  • That the CNCA Technology committee’s required on-site Hybrid Sub-Committee members are eligible for travel expense reimbursements, beginning January 1, 2023, pursuant to the Area Expense Reimbursement Guidelines, while doing the work of the Hybrid Sub- Committee.
    – Presented by the CNCA Technology Committee
  • That CNCA hold a linguistic sharing session for Spanish Speakers on the day of the ACM at the Petaluma Community Center
    – Presented by CNCA Alternate Delegate Miguel H.
  • That CNCA provide funding for one member of the Technology Committee to attend the Annual National AA Technology Workshop to be held September 8 through the 10 in Winchester, Virginia at a cost not to exceed $1200.
    – Presented by the CNCA Technology Committee
  • That CNCA provides interpretation for the upcoming Registrar Workshop on December 7th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at a cost not to exceed $75.
    – Presented by CNCA Registrar Drew B.
    Presentation: This has been a tradition for several panels. It’s a sharing session for all 23 of our district registrars. It’s modeled on the quarterly registrar sharing session by GSO. We did one in the spring, so this is the fall edition. The translator is available. This will be online.
    Q: Is this Spanish or ASL?
    A: This is a Spanish/English interpretation for our five Spanish-speaking registrars. We don’t have any ASL registrars. Q: Is it $75 per hour or 75 total?
    A: It’s total, and the event is an hour.
    There were no objections. Housekeeping motion passed. 10/28/23
  • That the Area accepts the Assembly Ad Hoc recommendation to increase the coffee budget for assemblies to $150 for one day assemblies, and $200 for two-day assemblies.
    – Presented by CNCA Assembly Coordinator Jackie B.
    Presentation: This was a recommendation from the ad hoc committee tasked with updating the assembly guidelines, which haven’t been updated since 2017. The committee felt it was the assembly coordinator’s responsibility to make motions. Coffee costs more.
    There were no questions or objections. Housekeeping motion passed. 10/28/23
  • That the Area accepts the Assembly Ad Hoc recommendation to increase the paper goods budget for assemblies to $150.
    – Presented by CNCA Assembly Coordinator Jackie B.
    Presentation: Jackie reiterated that this was a recommendation from the ad hoc committee. This is an umbrella term for anything from napkins, plates, butch paper, etc. Paper costs more.
    Q: Didn’t all the ad hoc recs last month include these?
    A: We didn’t accept them; we just heard them.  
    There were no objections. Housekeeping motion passed. 10/28/23
  • That CNCA purchase the Panel 73 assembly word count competition prizes from the AA Grapevine store, effective May 14th, 2023, at a total cost not to exceed $174.
    – Presented by CNCA Recording Secretary, Sarah B, and CNCA Literature/Grapevine/La Viña Chair, Matt E
  • That CNCA fund one hour of Spanish/English interpretation for a stand-alone online information session regarding the development of the Plain Language Big Book at a cost of $75; the event would be held on Sunday, January 14, at 1 PM. – Presented by CNCA Delegate Eric L.
    Eric L. presented:
    The Trustees’ Literature Committee has an Ad Hoc Committee that is working on the Plain Language Big Book approached me. They’re not writing it, they’re reviewing it. An unknown translator is writing it. That work is now complete and ready for presentation at the General Service Conference in April. This would provide information about how we got here, the status, and the outlook. The committee approached me, offering to provide information about our Area. One or more members of the Trustees’ literature committee would attend and report on the Plain Language Big Book. We do everything in two languages in our Area, and some of the Trustees don’t speak Spanish. We want to make sure we have interpretation for everyone in our Area. If somebody objected, we would not have it in January.

    Q: Is this open to any Area member who wants to attend? Will we be provided with the Zoom ID in advance if this passes? January the 14th is before the next Area meeting.
    A: Yes, and I have a flyer ready to go if this motion is approved.
    Q: Who has asked for this motion? Is it coming from the Trustees’ Literature Committee
    A: I’m making this motion. The committee approached me. They asked me if they could do it. I asked the Area Officers, and we all thought it was a good idea.

    There were no objections.
    Housekeeping motion passed 12/16/23
  • That CNCA purchase a cardioid condenser vocal microphone at a cost not to exceed $200.
    – Presented by Don L., Hybrid Coordinator of the CNCA Tech Committee
    Presentation: It’s one-directional and eliminates the background noise around us; the sound is better. We’ve been testing it for four months. It also allows you to stand here, and not need someone to adjust the microphone repeatedly.

    Questions: Q: Where will this be used?
    A: For members to use when they come up to speak. It would replace the dynamic microphones we’ve used for a long time. We’re borrowing a member’s microphone currently to test it.
    Q: Did our treasurer give feedback on the affordability?
    A: The finance committee knows about the housekeeping motion and potential purchase.
    Q: The mic doesn’t need to be adjusted for the speaker’s height.
    A: Extreme changes in height would need to be adjusted (e.g. if someone is 6’6” or 4’2”), but for someone of average height, it wouldn’t need to be adjusted.
    There were no objections.
    Housekeeping Motion Passed. 1/20/24
  • That the Area accepts the Assembly Ad Hoc recommendation to increase the decorations budget for assemblies to $150.
    – Presented by CNCA Assembly Coordinator Jackie B.

  • That CNCA accept the Assembly Guidelines Ad Hoc Committee’s recommendation to increase the food budget for assemblies to $7.50 per person for 1-day assemblies and $10 per person for 2-day assemblies.
    – Presented by CNCA Assembly Coordinator Jackie B.
District 04 Santa Clara North