District 04 Business & Motions

Motions are the chief way that business gets accomplished at all levels of A.A.

Voting members for district business are GSRs or their alternates and district officers

District 04 Motions

Housekeeping Motions
  • None at this time
Presentation of New Business
  • None at this time
New Business
  • None at this time
Old Business

None at this time

Finished Business
  • “That District 04 funds the Chair of the Bridging the Gap Joint 04/40 District Committee for 50% of the customary expenses (travel, hotel and registration)  to attend the National BTG Conference not to exceed the budgeted  amount of $675.” – Presented on July 12th 2023
    Motion passed on 7/12/23
  • “To increase the 2023 Unity Day budget and contribution amount from $1,500 to $2,000.”
    Motion was withdrawn by the Unity Day committee on 7/12/23
  • That District 04 Create a Standing Safety Committee” – Presented by Grady on July 12th 2023
    Discussion (8/9/23)
    Group Consciences:
    Personal Opinions:
    I think starting this committee would be an important endeavor. It would help GSRs learn about safety and what they can do.

    Keeping the topic of safety on the front burner is a good idea. I’ve seen some issues with safety lately and a committee that could help it to deal with these issues. It would facilitate a conversation with GSRs on how to deal with safety in meetings.

    The flyer was shared with my group and although there wasn’t a group conscience it was received with a lot of enthusiasm it sounds like a great idea.

    I’m hearing tonight there are active problems with some groups such as stalkers and that is concerning. I’m happy to support this because I think it needs to be out in the open with how to deal with these issues.

    This is a necessary topic of discussion.
    Q: Is this intending to be a resource for groups to come to?
    A: Yes I think that’s correct. Information is being built into our website. This is new territory, and we don’t know exactly which way it will go. The planning meetings are for everyone to come and give their input.
    A: This item of business is simply to create the standing committee. If it were to succeed, then it would be up to the committee to create the framework of the committee. This is completely separate from the working groups that have been formed. They are just ad hoc.
    Q: What are the 3 working groups?
    A: Disruption, Sexual Safety and Diversity and Inclusion
  • Discussion 8/13/23
    Group Consciences:
    Personal Opinions:
    Vote: 83% in favor of the motion
    No minority opinion
    Outcome: The motion passes 8/13/23

District 04 Santa Clara North