Reporting to your Group

GSRs regularly make reports to the group. These reports serve as an important link to A.A. as a whole. Your reports may concern information about what’s happening in general service that you think will be of interest to the group. You are asked to convey any thoughts, concerns or wishes from your group’s members back to the district and area… A group may have a customary format or time for when a GSR may give a report. Most groups prefer the reports to be shorter rather than longer. – p. 8-10 The A.A. Service Manual

District Motions:

That District 04 increase the Safety Forum budget at a cost not to exceed $2700.

That District 04 increase the funding for an In-Person Venue from $0 to $1800 (part of the $2700 increase).

That District 04 create autonomous PI/CPC and BTG Committees.

That District 04 create an Accessibility Committee.

Area Motions

Sharing Sessions

none at this time

Announcements for Your Group

Safety in AA Survey: The District 04 Safety Committee has a new ANONYMOUS safety survey to gather information from A.A. members to help build our safety toolkit!
Please encourage every group member to fill out (takes about 15-20 min) Link is available on homepage:
Be sure to provide your group with a flier that has links and a QR code (See Fliers to Print and Take to Meetings below)

Save the Date: Saturday, October 19th 10 am -4:30 pm the District will be hosting a Safety In A.A. Forum

Ongoing Announcements:

Fliers to Print and Take to Meetings
Links to Post in Chat
New Literature
Other Things to Communicate to your Group

District 04 Santa Clara North