The California Northern Coastal Area of Alcoholics Anonymous (CNCA 06) was formed in 1951 for these reasons: To promote and enhance the AA Twelve-Step rehabilitation program by establishing a larger communication network; to coordinate activities and disseminate information to the various AA Groups within its service area and to the general public; and to establish and facilitate communication between the autonomous AA Groups, (now more than 2000) in the service area and the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, as a whole. It is a service body of the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous organized under the Twelve Traditions of A.A. and the Twelve Concepts of World Service of AA. It serves members and groups of A.A. in sixteen San Francisco Bay Area, coastal, and adjacent counties from Monterey County to the Oregon Border. See how CNCA conducts business.
Area Meetings
Area Committee Meeting (ACM)
The Area Committee meets simultaneously in-person and virtually, a format commonly called hybrid on the last Saturday of each month with the exception of November, December and January when the ACM is on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
9:00 AM – Literature/Grapevine/La Viña Sharing Session ID: 987 0872 2632
9:00 AM – PI/CPC Sharing Session ID: 568 947 843
10:00 AM – DCMC Sharing Session (Closed meeting for DCMCs)
11:00 AM – DCM Sharing Session ID: 568 947 843
11:00 AM – Accessibility Sharing Session ID: 987 0872 2632
12:30 PM – ACM Business Meeting | Meeting ID: 632 553 607
Additional Committee Meetings (Please note committees meet on different days)
Bridging the Gap Committee (BTG) – meets at 7:00pm on the 4th Thursday (Online Only)
Zoom meeting ID: 988 7891 7593
Website Committee ( ONLINE only ) – meets at 5:15pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Zoom Meeting ID: 843 8245 4422
Technology Committee ( ONLINE only ) – meets at 8:00pm on the 2nd Monday of each month.
Zoom meeting ID: 961 5695 6661
Interpretation & Translation Committee ( ONLINE only ) – meets at 7:00pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month.
Zoom meeting ID: 964 6132 5139
Archives Committee – ( Hybrid ) – meets at 10:00am on the 4th Saturday of each month.
Zoom meeting ID: 987 0872 2632