Safety from Sexual Harms Subcommittee

Sexual predation is a long standing issue in AA, often referred to as “13th stepping”. That term has been used to describe conduct when other members prey and sexually take advantage of newcomers. We do not use that term in our subcommittee because we feel it inappropriately normalizes this conduct.

There are also issues that occur such as rape, assault, sexual harassment, and intimate partner violence. Some members have stated that when they came forward with these issues they did not get the supportive response inside A.A. that they hoped for.

Most importantly, members and groups can support victims by not silencing, blaming or shaming them.

According to our service literature (F-228), “Calling the proper authorities does not go against A.A. Traditions. Anonymity is not a cloak protecting criminal behavior. Any conduct within an A.A. meeting is subject to the same laws that apply outside the meeting.”

As a Subcommittee we hope to produce suggested guidelines by compiling the experiences of A.A. members, provide other resources to better inform groups on how to address safety issues, and hopefully to make A.A safer from sexual predation, harassment, violence, and abuse. If you want to be part of this subcommittee attend our events and monthly meeting.

Monthly Meeting

Videoconference with happy people on desktop flat vector illustration. Cartoon colleagues having chat and meeting online via computer. Communication and virtual technology concept
Where:Zoom ID: 884 5128 7850   
Password: Safety
When:Sunday, 11am
Upcoming Meetings:November 3, December 8
Agenda:Agenda for Aug 11 Meeting

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District 04 Santa Clara North