Agenda Topic Timeline


Preparing for Your Group Conscience(s)

Start letting your group know that the Preliminary Agenda Topics have arrived.

Plan Ahead!
Schedule time with your group in Mid-late February to review the finalized agenda topics and choose which items the group will want to discuss.

Schedule time with your group in March to have Agenda Topic Discussion(s) on the items chosen by your group.

Mid February

Finalized Agenda Topics

Finalized agenda topics background information is available.

Consult your group and choose which topics they want to discuss in detail.

Attend the District’s Weekly Agenda Topic Mini-Workshops every Wednesday 7-8pm, February 21- April 3

End of February

Area Agenda Topic Summaries

The final CNCA 06 Agenda Topic Summaries are available

March 1-3


Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly (PRAASA), will be held in San Francisco this year. Attendance is not required, but it is helpful in gaining additional information and insights. And, it’s fun!

March 9

District 04/40 Agenda Topic Workshop

Guest Speakers
Agenda Topic Presentations from D04 and D40 GSRs
Mock Group Consciences
Practice “Presenting at the Mic”

Throughout March

Facilitate your Group Conscience(s)

Out of carefully facilitated discussion, the consensus of your group, often referred to as an informed group conscience, will become clear. It is only through our participation that the Conference can truly be informed and act in the best interests of AA as a whole.

April 6-7

Pre-Conference Assembly

Time to deliver your group consciences at the microphone, in writing, via your DCM or submit it through the area website.

April 14-20

May 11th

Post Conference Assembly

Hear the Delegate’s Report at the Post Conference Assembly in Willits CA


GSRs report back to their groups.

Report back on the agenda topics that your group discussed and you may also want to inform your group about other important updates that were discussed at the conference.

Ongoing Throughout the Year

Delegate’s Report at District Meetings & Unity Days!

The delegate will present his report from the conference which covers everything he experienced during his time in New York.

June 12th

Delegate Report to the District

We will hear the delegates report at our June district meeting.

District 04 Santa Clara North