Step 1 Register

Start by filling out the Online Registration Form. Once you register: Your meeting will become known to several levels of A.A.
(don’t worry, you will become familiar with these):
◦ District 04: Santa Clara County North
◦ Area 06: California Northern Coastal Area
◦ GSO: The General Service Office in New York
The GSR Kit which includes the A.A. Service Manual and other service literature will be mailed to you ONLY if you indicate that you want a physical copy when registering. These are the main resources for learning about general service.
Learn what it means to be a GSR.
Step 2: Get Connected

Find your meeting’s subdistrict (see the District Map page).
Contact your DCM. They are here to help you!
Find a service sponsor. Like a regular sponsor, a service
sponsor guides you through the ins and outs of general service.
There is a lot to learn, and a service sponsor can not only help
you learn, demystify, and understand the material, but also make
your time in general service an enjoyable and rewarding
Step 3: Attend Meetings

Plan to attend these meetings. You can subscribe to our District Calendar.
GSR Orientation (Hybrid):
An orientation session happens at 7pm before each monthly
District Business Meeting.
District Business Meeting (Hybrid):
2nd Wednesday every month 7:30-9pm.
Zoom: 894-1698-1622
Password: Service
Area Assemblies: These full day HYBRID events include service
representatives from all over the California Northern Coastal
Area. There are FOUR throughout the year.
2024 Assembly Dates:
◦ Pre-Conference Assembly: April 6-7 (Petaluma)
◦ Post-Conference Assembly: May 11 (Willits)
◦ Summer Assembly: August 10 (Campbell)
◦ Fall Assembly: November 9 (Livermore)
Step 4: What’s Next?

As a GSR, you have a key role in the communication between your group and A.A. as a whole. You are the link in this two-way flow of information.
You will need to stay informed about what is happening at the District, Area and General Service Office (GSO). This website is designed as a resource to assist you.
GSRs regularly make reports to the group. These reports serve as an important link to A.A. as a whole. Your reports may concern information about what’s happening in general service that you think will be of interest to the group.
You are asked to communicate any thoughts from your group’s members on certain topics called motions at both the District and the Area. This is done by taking a group conscience.
You, or any member of your group that has an idea on how to improve AA as a whole, as an area or as a district can submit a motion or discussion topic to the district. For more information please make yourself acquainted with how the district conducts business.