Upcoming District 04 Meeting
When: August 14, 7:30-9:00 PM |
Zoom ID: 894-1698-1622 PW: Service |
In Person: First United Methodist Church 535 Old San Francisco Rd. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 |
September Agenda: Click Here |
August Minutes: Click Here |
Safety in A.A Forum
The first ever Safety in A.A. Forum is right around the corner. Come join us to learn how we can make the rooms of A.A. safer and hear an analysis of our extensive Safety Survey. Everyone is welcome to attend in-person or online. The event will include Spanish interpretation.
Welcome General Service Representatives (GSRs)
Welcome Committee Members
What is General Service?
How do the groups make their thoughts and wishes-their group conscience- known to the rest of the triangle? General service is organized to do exactly this.
– Pg. 3 The A.A. Service Manual